Blog Feature: “Experience the Best of St. Louis” by Pablo Alvarez with Redfin

Hey there, it’s Brendan!

Although I haven’t been as active on our blog lately as I’d like to be, I wanted to write a short post about a recent blog post the business, and I, were featured in recently.

For those that don’t know, I moved to Missouri a little over a year and a half ago. So connecting with the community here and making my brand known, essentially starting from scratch, has been a fun yet sometimes challenging task – especially being sick the majority of 2023. One thing I have been able to do though is explore many of the city, county, state, and even national parks in the area.

So when Pablo reached out to me, asking for a brief recommendation of one thing every new STL resident should do, I knew I had to mention the parks.

Want to read Alvarez’s full article, click here:

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